Atwell Primary School is home to a vibrant and engaging music program that provides in-class music opportunities for all students Years 1-6.
Learning music gives our students opportunities to develop their music literacy skills in pitch and rhythm, to develop their singing voice and to play a range of classroom percussion instruments. Being part of a strong music program also develops life skills. Music helps to develop strong peer relationships, teamwork and commitment to achieving a common goal. Playing and singing together helps us to listen, to respect each other and enhances our sense of connection and community.
The success of our Atwell music program is reflected in the students’ joyful approach to music and music-making, and also by the way music is embedded in our school community events.
We have a successful choral program with our Senior Choir (Years 4-6) singing at a wide range of events throughout the year, including ANZAC, Year 6 graduation ceremony, Massed Choir Festival and Cockburn Music Festival in addition to in-school performances.