
The school canteen is open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for students from Pre-Primary to Year 6 to order their lunch or purchase break time snacks. Please note that the canteen is not available to Kindy students. 

The canteen menu may be accessed via the link below or from the school office.

Orders may be made online via FlexiSchools or by placing an order using a bag in your child’s class lunch basket.  For parents already using Flexischools, please note that all recurring orders are cancelled at the end of each term and that your child’s class number will need to be updated at the start of each year.

Faction hats, hair ribbons, school bags and school folders can be ordered via Flexischools and collected from the canteen.

The canteen is always looking for volunteers, a few hours from 10am to 1pm is all that is needed.  Please see the canteen if you are able to assist.

The Canteen phone number is 0433 972 261.